
Rite of Spring [Break]

Something I whipped up earlier to-day

Apologies for the lack of new entries. Coursework and procrastination conspired against my updating this particular blog.

Anyhow, the official first day of spring transpired unceremoniously nearly a week ago amidst dreadful, decidedly un-springlike weather (read: snow). Fortunately, the weather-gods have finally decided to make up their ordinarily temperamental minds and offer a few consistently pleasant days.

As for the University, winter quarter was generally unpleasant and the weather suitably oppressive, though intermittent social gatherings, events, and excursions kept the demons of boredom at a comfortable distance. Otherwise, I found my courses challenging but fair and the topics generally interesting and informative. Weather and coursework aside, 't was an enjoyable ten/eleven weeks, and there was much merrymaking, good conversations, etc.; needless to say, I'm looking forward to spring quarter with much enthusiasm.

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