
The Hidden Questions...of Chemistry!

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; font: Univers

This post has absolutely nothing to do with the hidden questions of chemistry. It does have everything to do with fake events for the Div. School (because why not?), which, I hear, produces a prodigious amount of inordinately obnoxious, pretentious students* who would probably attend such an event.

Come to think of it, a seminar regarding Wittgenstein and the mystical would be pretty interesting...

But yes, the design! I was making icons for a totally unrelated project when I noticed the neat little pattern you see above. The faux-event was constructed around the visual motif thereafter.

*By University standards, which means that they, like ninety-nine percent of the student body, have no chance of surviving in civil society. The remaining one percent are Crerar zombies, and therefore forgone conclusions.

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; font: Rockwell

Lo, 't is Chemistry, our dear friend and stalwart companion! I don't know anything about chemistry, so I'll stop there.

The pattern above was produced through liberal application of the "blend" function, which unfortunately precluded recoloring individual picture elements to form a more elaborate image, such as the one in the event poster above.

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