
In Which Plumtree's Conquers the World

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; fonts: 04b_03 & Gotham

First and foremost, sorry for the long, unannounced hiatus--I was on holiday in Europe until the twenty-third, and started my internship immediately thereafter. I did not forget about this little blog, mind you, and I hereby present a few designs for hypothetical Plumtree's Amalgamated Potted Meat Co. products.

The flier above was inspired by Dioptical, an experimental typeface that you can find here. The general idea was to create a "dazzle" pattern out of heavy hatching, which, being irritating to behold, would then force the viewer to turn his gaze toward the white-space, which in turn contains the relevant (and appropriate) copy.

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; font: Helvetica Neue

A fairly simple, straightforward composition that emerged from about half-an-hour's worth of dithering and playing. The slight gradient and aeroplane icons direct the viewer to the bottom of the page, while the converging diagonal lines formed by the planes of record points to the tagline.

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; font: Univers & Futura

Did you know that Lockheed Martin actually produced print advertisements for the Polaris SLBM (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile) in 1963? The nuclear apocalypse: Presenting opportunities for businesses worldwide since 1945.


  1. The Dioptical poster hurts so good.

  2. I wanna print these out and poster them around guerilla marketing style.
