
Deterrence Today

Camera: Nikon FE; lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 D; film: Ilford Delta 400 B&W; exposure: 1/125 at f/22; subject is flood-lit using high-power strobes
Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3 & edited in Photoshop CS3; font: Univers; dimensions: 7" x 11.75"

Disclaimer: "Deterrence Today" is a fake event--please do not show up at Pick 505 on November 7th.

The photograph is of a drop of food coloring diffusing into water, and is part of my intro to photography project on motion. Although I've no intention of printing said take for class (the original is far too small), its graininess lends it a graphite-like quality that commends it to serving as a photo illustration.

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