
Captain Freedom and the Attack of the Moon-Commies

India ink & watercolor lampblack wash on bristol board

It occurs to me that Captain Freedom and the Attack of the Moon-Commies would make a great comic book/feature film. The idea came to me during an idle moment at Cobb, and I felt compelled to see it to completion.

Pretty much everything you need for wash painting: Two round brushes (nos. 3 & 5), a size 8 flat brush, some artist's watercolor lampblack, India ink, a porcelain palette, cup of water, test strip, and some rags/napkins. (Total cost: ~$100-$150, depending on quality of materials)

I've been doing more wash paintings lately, and I must say that it's an at once edifying, delightful, versatile, and expedient medium. This illustration took about three hours to complete from conception to rough to inks to wash--little wonder why it was so popular among commercial illustrators back in the day. Anyhow, I still need to work on getting cleaner contours with the wash, which will come in due time with practice.

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