
Friday Night Cartooning

India ink & watercolor lampblack wash on bristol board (260 gsm, vellum finish)

I was waiting for a 44" x 36" print at Midway when I started sketching owls for, well, no apparent reason whatsoever. Drawing animals isn't my wont, so I guess this is a decent crack at doing so. This is also my first time inking on vellum finish bristol board, which has a rougher surface texture than the variety that I've heretofore used. I thought the coarser finish would make inking with a dip pen difficult, but it actually turned out quite well. The additional 50 gsms' worth of weight also reduced warping. Guess I just found my new paper of choice.

India ink & watercolor lampblack wash on bristol board (210 gsm; regular/semi-smooth finish)

In other news, I'm working on a personal project of sorts. The final product is hardly ready for the light of day, but here's a quick preview all the same.

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