
Tri-X 2011

Laid out in Illustrator CS5; font: Gotham

I picked up some Tri-X yesterday because my refrigerator's film-to-food ratio was dangerously low, and decided to do a quick 'n' dirty reinterpretation of Kodak's packaging, which looks about as good as their annual earnings report. My version adds more large-small and light-dark contrast, uses a simple 3 x 3 underlying grid and modular scale to lend it a bit more structure, and avoids overly complex gradients in favor of simpler ones. It lacks proper barcodes and icons for recycling, though it's not difficult to see where those would fit.

The logo was more of a quick fix than anything else, and I'm not terribly happy with it.

UPDATE: It occurred to me that the reverse side of the pro pack needs to be flipped so as to display properly once the box is assembled.


  1. Hello! Do you mind if I use your splendid package on my 3D Blender mesh of a canon AE-1? It would help me enormously in adding realism.

  2. ha, was just googling to see if there was any outrage re kodak's drop-shadow/vingette overloaded packaging of tri-x.

    THE iconic brand name in black and white film and they have decided to alter it's product name to '400TX'??

    i like your quick redesign.

