
Elvis Impersonators and...Weimar Communists?

It's the fifteenth, which means a new issue of the Hypocrite Reader is due. This month's issue (topic: "Occupations") might be delayed owing to the early morning evacuation of Zuccotti Park, but keep your eyes peeled.

India ink on bristol board; digital post-processing

The above illustration accompanies an article discussing the role of shame in cultivating solidarity among activists, the first half of which examined the tensions between affectuous, part-time Occupy neophytes and more experienced, committed activists. Said article includes an anecdotal account of an Elvis impersonator posing for the cameras at Occupy New Vegas, the author doubtful of his reliability as a participant. I ended up using a simple big-small contrast to illustrate the displacement of other demonstrators.

India ink on bristol board; digital post-processing

"Weimar communists hawking newspapers on a street corner" was my (very concise) brief for this illustration. I'd thought about adding building or lamp post in the background, but decided against it because the inclusion of potentially confusing details outweighed the benefit of additional context.

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