
Works in Progress: Counterpoint Magazine

Counterpoint is a quarterly (neo)conservative-leaning periodical at the University of Chicago. I don't necessarily agree with everything in the publication of record, but I saw designing a restrained publication as a worthwhile challenge. The hypothetical redesign employs two-, four-, and five-column pages throughout, depending on the context. I used a slightly modified 1:2 modular scale for the copy, and everything's set in either American Text or Adobe Garamond Pro (with the exception of the cover story, which uses Trade Gothic instead of American Text). PSD Graphic Arts over at the University is prepping a proof, which should be ready any day.

Sample table of contents. A "contributors" page at the end of the publication is similarly demarcated using a light gray background fill.

Sample "reportage" opening spread.

Typical inside spread. I oped for large pull-quotes to break up large chunks of text, as illustrations and other images would likely have been rare.

Sample cover story opening double-truck spread. Illustration by Tom Tian.

Cover story: First spread.

Cover story: Typical spread.

Typical "review" spread.

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