

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; Font: Quicksand

Disclaimer: The Farnborough Airshow is not sponsored by Plumtree's Amalgamated Potted Goods Co., which is a fictitious entity. Still, I am amused by an aeroplane called the "Lightning Finch," which Plumtree's would probably manufacture.

In hindsight, I really wished that the lines were evenly spaced, though as it is the "radiating" quality may lead one to the copy more conveniently.

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; Font: Univers

This poster started out as a "pencil" thumbnail sketch in Photoshop--I liked the layout, and decided to complete it, which involved a lot of haggling over which colors to use. Speaking of which, making things in "outline" mode (Cmd + Y or Ctrl + Y) is really helpful, as it eliminates color from consideration, thereby allowing you to settle the linear/geometric elements first and worry about colors later.

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