
By Its Cover

Designed in Adobe Illustrator CS3; font: Univers (for the book design), Gotham (poster); Dimensions: 4.75" x 8" x 1.125"

I might do graphic design, but that doesn't mean that I have to be some vacuous hipster. Quite the contrary, I am a political science concentrator first and foremost, and my interest for political economic theory is certainly not inferior to my love of visual arts. On the rare occasions when they do intersect, the results can certainly be entertaining, as the (three) fans of my editorial cartoons will attest.

At any rate, yes, I am in fact reading Galbraith's The New Industrial State at the moment, which I picked up after finishing Power and the Idealists, a brisk read that recommends itself to those curious about the philosophical history of the European New Left. I'm enjoying the former title despite having not read it immediately after I had purchased it two years ago, and imagine that it'll be an edifying read. In the meantime, it occurred to me that the extant cover design for the book of record did not accord it the proper feeling, and so I'm taking a stab at redesigning one that, in my estimation, does. It's simply a coincidence that my design will be published by Plumtree's Potted Press, which, I remind you, is not a real business entity.

You will find below enlarged copies of the various components of the book, as taken from the poster above.

Inside cover: Front

Front cover


Back cover

Inside cover: Back


  1. Why don't you ever read anything fun?

  2. I love this! So much! The inside flaps are awesome.

